Monday, April 25, 2011

Amy in Bloom

 April 17th I had the pleasure of being a part of the fourth annual Amy in Bloom auction for Amy's Treat, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing solutions to the day-to-day difficulties of living with cancer and offer unexpected 'treats' to renew the spirit.  The Portsmouth Harbor Events and Conference Center was overflowing with people bidding on silent and live auction items for the cancer center.  Here with two of the prestigious nurses at the Seacoast Cancer Center, Sheila and Alice, and probably the youngest bidder in the room, Lainey.

Miss NH Ball

 April 10th was the annual Miss New Hampshire ball at the Executive Court in Manchester.  I had a wonderful time with my family, friends and fellow title holders.  Congratulations to all the volunteers who put on an exquisite ball to raise money for Miss New Hampshire 2011's wardrobe. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Celebrate Pink Women's Expo

April 8th I worked at the 2nd Annual Celebrate Pink Women's Expo held at the Portsmouth Harbor Events and Conference Center.  The event is an annual fundraiser for and their new local My Breast Cancer Support programs.  The Expo truly celebrated beautiful women everywhere who have been touched by breast cancer and raised hope for seacoast area sisters who need a little extra strength and encouragement.  Thank you to Wendy McCoole for inviting me to serve again.